Understand the history of sustainability and recycling regulation and the internal and external challenges of adoption, see how leading manufacturers worldwide are shifting internal policies, the impact sustainability has on costs, and discover measures you can take to implement and optimize sustainability best practices on your shop floor.
The Matics Sustainability eBook Kit was created for manufacturing managers, operational efficiency managers, lean excellence managers, and manufacturing C-levels who want to understand the evolution of sustainability in manufacturing, the regulative changes impacting production, and proven ways to implement sustainability and recycling policies that meet regulation and reduce costs.
Our 3 part series will take you on a journey from the start of sustainability requirements, how regulative changes permeate to actions, and the ability industry 4.0 digitalization solutions can make it easier to set, monitor, and show sustainability and recycling results on your shop floor.
Matics is a Real-time Operational Intelligence (RtOI) solution that instantly digitalizes manufacturing shop-floors by aggregating high-resolution multi-source data from any ERP, MES, or machine on-site, fusing that information with historical data and advanced to yield contextually relevant decision-ready insights that can be used to improve communication, optimize production efficiency, and provide key stakeholders with an accurate overview of the state of current and future production anywhere, from any device.